Showing 1-4 of 4 results
  • MIT App Inventor Course

    Course Duration: 90 minutes each

    Age Recommendation: Ages 9-13

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    This course is designed to build mobile applications (apps), which practically connect coding techniques with real lives. While creating apps that try to make people’s lives better, our students learn practical skills happily and achieve all-rounded self-development through thinking, designing, problem-solving & developing.

  • Python Explorer Online Course

    Course Duration: 90 minutes each

    Age Recommendation: Ages 10-15

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    This course is designed to give a solid foundation to fully understand the programming architecture, concepts, and basic syntax of Python such as variables, decision-making constructs, and iterative constructs.

  • Tech Wizard Online Course.

    Course Duration: 90 minutes each.

    Age Recommendation: Ages 11-16.

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    This program gradually transits our Robo Coderz to script-based coding literacy and focuses on multiple automation projects, And gives hands-on learning experience with advanced electronic circuits, Arduino board, servo motors, LCD screens, RFID technology, and sensors.

  • Tech Explorer Online Course.

    Course Duration: 90 minutes each .

    Age Recommendation: Ages 9-13.

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    This course is designed to give full hands-on learning experience with multiple electronic circuits, Arduino board, Physical computing, Self-driving car with sensor and lots of coding for each project.